Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned practitioner, you will benefit tremendously from participating in this group coaching program. It is the one and only program of its kind that is dedicated to providing continuing education to the practitioners of Qigong, Tai Chi, Yoga, and related disciplines. By enrolling in it today, you will discover for yourself how to use your body and energy more efficiently by developing a more harmonious culture of movement.
By participating in this 3-month long program, you will also learn how to enhance your physical and mental flexibility, how to send the waves of Qi through different parts of your body, as well as to release various chronic tensions that may be causing some energy blockages in the body. Not only will you find a greater sense of physical health and wellness, but also enjoy inner peace and explore several profound meditation practices based on Tibetan Dream Yoga.
Among the many benefits of Qigong Coaching, you will most likely enjoy the following:
1) Developing the Harmonious Culture of Movement;
2) Learning to be Centered, Grounded and Rooted;
3) Improving your flexibility and range of motion;
4) Managing and preventing stress and tension;
5) Learning to send waves of Qi through your body;
6) Enhancing your balance through Kinesthetic awareness;
7) Embarking on the path of self-realization and spiritual awakening.
As you come to realize and enjoy all the benefits listed above, you will learn the quintessential principles of Energy Awareness and discover some new ways to be in the flow that can enhance the quality of your life. You will also learn the most effective meditation practices, methods of self-healing and ways to improve your mental and physical flexibility and balance. Qigong practitioners are generally known for being really energetic, centered, and spiritually awake as the result of doing the practices specifically designed to help develop such qualities.
REGISTER NOW!You are about to find out the most effective ways to stand, move and project energy, so that you enjoy being centered, grounded, and energetically connected with Mother Earth. You will also learn how to orient yourself so that you can imbue your actions with maximum power, rather than using physical force.
Most importantly, you will discover for yourself how to literally and figuratively relax under pressure, so that you can always navigate through life by following the most optimal course of action.
And it gets even better! When you register right now, for a limited time only, I will even give you access to three of my most highly anticipated courses!
The first of my gifts to you is the course on Qigong Fundamentals. By taking this course, you will discover for yourself the foundational principles and practices underlying most styles and forms of Qigong, Internal Martial Arts, and related disciplines.
Whether you are a seasoned practitioner or a beginner, you will find my unique approach to stances, breathing, standing and dynamic meditation practices to be very sound and totally no-nonsense. Many advanced practitioners of Energy Arts made the same remark, when going through this course, “I wish I had learned these fundamentals before I spent years training in Aikido, Karate, Kung fu, Tai Chi, or Taekwondo!”
My second gift to you is the course dedicated to Abundance through Being in the Flow. This course reveals the secrets of living your life more abundantly and in alignment with your purpose by learning how to be in the flow.
It is specifically designed to help you if you are new to the concept of being in the flow so that you can learn how to tap into the flow of abundance that is all around you and switch from merely trying to have an abundance to actually Being Abundant!
Last but certainly not least, my third gift to you for registering today is the course on How to Overcome the Most Prevalent Qigong Problems. If you been practicing Qigong or some other Energy Arts for some time and found yourself struggling with being stuck on a plateau, this is for you. Most practitioners tend to suffer from the following three issues that we identified as the most prevalent:
1) The lack of self-discipline and motivation to practice regularly;
2) Focusing attention on the forms, instead of the inner essence of the Energy Arts;
3) The lack of trust in the flow of Qi, which leads to trying to manipulate the flow, instead of being in the flow.
In this course, you will learn not only how to overcome these three challenges but also how to embody several important principles, such as being Centered, Natural, Authentic, as well as Using Power, Rather than Force. Your Qigong practice is guaranteed to never be the same!
Included in this exclusive, limited-time offer are 3 bonus courses:
Qigong Fundamentals ($297)
Abundance Through Being in the Flow ($297)
How to Overcome the Most Prevalent Qigong Problems ($297)
That's about $1400 of value for one low price, just by registering today!
REGISTER NOW!50% Complete
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