If you are an athlete, martial artist, dancer, or explorer of Energy Arts, you probably experienced the moments of being in the state of flow once or twice already. How awesome would it be to learn how to experience being in the flow at will.
That is exactly what The Art of Being in the Flow has to offer. Attending this workshop will empower you to understand and practice the principles of Harmonious Culture of Movement that serves as the foundation of this art.
You will also get access to several simple and effective meditations that you can experiment with even before attending this empowering and enlightening event.
Discover for yourself the six most essential principles of Energy Awareness that can completely transform your practice.
Learn the surprising facts and principles of Body Awareness and Stances that will blow out of the water any old stereotypes.
Find out about the Harmonious Culture of Movement that is common among Tai Chi and Qigong masters and how you can develop it.
Are you curious about Yoga, Qigong, or any Martial Arts? This workshop will give you much deeper understanding of the principles underlying these arts.
During this weekend event, you will learn how to use your body, mind and energy, so that you can experience flow in everyday movements and practices.
By taking this workshop, you will learn how to set your mind free of stress and help your body learn how to relax under pressure.
But most importantly, you will discover how to dance through life with gracefulness, precision and power.
Join Lama Tantrapa and a small group of his students at Blushøjgård in Ebeltoft, Denmark on May 7 from 10:00 to 17:00 to learn how you, too, can manifest the dream of living YOUR life in an empowered and enlightened way.
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